"Their performances punch your ears like the faces of far-right Swedish politicians,
and attacks Sweden’s famous preference for conflict avoidance." - Eric Jenkins-Sahlin

Stockholm 2nd of July 2022:
"Their latest performance, Cut The Electricity, asks the question, if a sonic ambush is met with indifference, is it still spastic? Yes. Yes it is. In July 2022, after being chased away from the Turkish Embassy close to the gates of Lollapalooza Stockholm, Spastic Ambush launched their latest guerilla street performance in a super bougie neighbourhood of Stockholm at midnight (video in archive). While they had forgotten to call the police on themselves at their previous show in Jönköping, this time they expected to get shut down by police naturally within 20-minutes. Fittingly, police turned a blind eye to their amp’ed up performance, and literally the only person to stop for a listen was a town drunk." - Eric Jenkins-Sahlin

Jönköping 11th of December 2021:
"Last Saturday, December 11, passers-by on Klostergatan - on their way home from work or to the store - could experience a very different concert. Outside the record store South End Records, the newly formed band Spastic Ambush appeared relatively unannounced with a performance act. This trio, consisting of singer/guitarist, keyboard player and drummer, performed a ten minute piece of music – a stealthy, exciting one combined with the visual grandeur. After a good ten minutes, including the traditional guitar smash, the music died out and was replaced by the monotonous hum of the shriveled guitar amplifier. While Spastic Ambush's members disappeared into Sturegatan, people remained on the sidewalk digesting the impressions. I myself wandered Klostergatan north and after a while was joined by another spectator, and we agreed that it will be interesting to hear more music with Spastic Ambush and see what they come up with next time!" - Lars Östvall

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